If your home has never had a professional window cleaning, you’re in for a treat! When First Coast Home Pros is finished with your windows, it lifts the appearance of the entire house far more than doing it on your own.
Our squeegee cleaning system and home-safe biodegradable cleaning products do the job thoroughly and correctly. Other services use harsh chemicals or pressure that can cause damage to your home’s exterior and landscaping. Our St. Augustine, FL, window cleaning service doesn’t.
Avoid All Pressure Washing for Windows
Beware of any company that says they’ll pressure wash your windows to clean them, even if it’s an add-on to another service (e.g. painting.) Pressure washing windows is a great way to get your seals broken and hard water spots on your windows. They might look good for a little while, but will quickly look worse.
If you want your windows cleaned right, you need to have someone up there with a ladder to look at the window, not just spray it from a distance and call it done. Plus, all the edges of the glass have to be wiped clean with lint-free cloth to get all the dirty water off. That’s how you get a window clean.
Plus, while we’re up there, we can check for things like paint spots, chips, and other flaws to your windows. We can fix these problems on the spot. We offer scratched glass repair services, which you may need if you’ve let someone pressure wash your windows in the past!
Harsh Chemicals Are a No-No for Your Windows
The keys to all cleaning are chemicals, heat, agitation, and time. However, if these are out of balance for the environment, you could end up with other problems. If a cleaning company uses harsh chemicals on your windows, they could kill nearby plants!
Another chemical we see often with other window washers is a light coating of wax on the outside of the window. This is supposed to protect against dirt, but what it does instead is make your window look a little dingy, like you’re looking through a film.
We say no to all that! We use the proper pH-balanced chemicals that get your St. Augustine window cleaning job done without killing plants or your view. If you’ve had other cleaning services do your windows in the past, we think you’ll love our difference.
Breaking Down Your Window Cleaning Service Costs
Another thing that other window cleaners might do is add an upcharge for things after they’re already done. For instance, they may offer one rate to clean the outside of a window, then also do the inside and charge you for that. This is unethical even if they do a good job!
On our estimates, you’ll see a full breakdown of all costs for cleaning the glass and screens, plus any additional work that needs to be done to make them shine their brightest. You are free to select any of these services that match your budget. That way, you won’t have to haggle with us over price.
One common addition you’ll see is hard water stain removal. St. Augustine has very hard water and that can leave spots on your windows, or even scratches. This is a common problem that needs a professional solution. We have window polishers that can take care of those without scratching your windows.
Bundle Your Services and Save
When you get our window cleaning services in St. Augustine, you can also add on some of our other services to get a discount on labor. You can get things like cleaning your solar panels, cleaning blinds and chandeliers, or any of our other service options.
Solar panel cleaning is quite similar to window cleaning. They make both surfaces out of glass and both need to sparkle to do their job right! We guarantee all our glass cleaning for one week, so you can check if we did the job right. If you find a problem, excluding normal dirt buildup after a week, we’ll make it right. Just contact us.
Order Our Window Cleaning Service in St. Augustine
Ready to experience a First Coast Home Pros window cleaning service in St. Augustine? It’s easy to get started. Just call us at the number on your screen or use our contact forms. We’ll go to your house to inspect your windows and give you a full estimate.
You choose the services you want from the estimate and we’ll get right to work scrubbing your windows until your entire house shines!