6 Tips for Sealing Granite Countertops

6 Tips for Sealing Granite Countertops

Granite countertops can be an exceptional investment in your home. They add value, beauty, and a natural value that is unlike anything else, but that only is applicable while you maintain them. At First Coast Home Improvement, we want to ensure you’re doing everything possible to maintain your countertops, starting with sealing them properly with our Jacksonville cleaning and home improvement service.

How to Seal Granite Countertops Professionally

The granite countertops in your kitchen, bar, and island need to be protected from food spatter, cooking grease, cleaning chemicals, watermarks, and more. The way to protect your countertop is to seal it, but what is the best way to seal a granite countertop with Jacksonville interior cleaning service? Here are tips from the pros (us!):

Set Aside Time

To seal granite properly, you need to prep it, apply the sealer, and then let it cure, typically for several hours. This time frame can significantly affect how and when you prepare and eat meals. Additionally, kids and pets need to be kept out of the kitchen while you seal the countertops since the fumes can be strong. 

Simply put, sealing your granite countertops is a lengthy chore that takes dedicated time and planning!

Find the Right Sealer

Find a highly-rated sealer that is approved by the manufacturer of your countertops, and don’t forget to read the instructions, and all other fine print of your sealer to be sure it will indeed work well with your granite surface.

Prep the Area

Before sealing, you’ll need to clean the countertops thoroughly. Use a mild, antibacterial dish detergent mixed with warm water and a soft sponge or cloth to gently remove all residue and buildup. Do not use steel wool, hard bristles, or other cleaning tools that could scratch the granite, and avoid abrasive or acidic cleaning solutions that could damage the surface. 

Then, protect the sink, caulk, and other nearby surfaces that you do not want to accidentally coat with sealer. You can typically just cover these areas with plastic wrap.

Apply the Sealer

Apply the sealer evenly with a soft cloth or spray it from a spray bottle. (Wear rubber gloves when handling the sealer). Be sure the surfaces are completely saturated and evenly coated. 

After applying the sealer, it should have a glossy, wet look. Let the sealer sit for at least 10 minutes in order to thoroughly penetrate the stone. If your granite is highly porous, or if it has not been sealed in quite a while, you may need to apply a second coat.

Let the Sealer Cure

After you’ve let the sealer sit for at least 10 minutes, remove the excess sealer with a dry cloth or paper towel, using circular motions. Then, allow the surface to cure for at least 6 hours, or the recommended cure time, as listed on your product’s guidelines from the manufacturer.

Clean the Sealed Surface

Once the surface has completely cured, use a mild dishwashing detergent and water to wipe down the surfaces and get them food-ready.

Sealing granite is an important step in maintaining your countertops, but it’s a task you may want to trust with a great tile sealing company. First Coast Home Pros is the best tile and grout cleaning company in Jacksonville, FL. Homeowners rely on us for their granite, porcelain, Saltillo, travertine tiles, and more! We’re the tile and grout cleaning professionals who service Ponte Vedra Beach, Mandarin, Riverside, and Southside, and we’ll clean and seal your natural stone just the way you want it!

Why Let a Professional Seal Your Countertops?

While these tips for sealing granite countertops are a great place to get started, you also have to consider the importance of getting the job done properly. When it comes to ensuring your granite countertops are properly cleaned and sealed, having a professional do so can make a big difference. There are several advantages to letting First Coast Home Pros do the work for you.

  • Our technicians have years of experience sealing granite countertops. That means we are less likely to make mistakes and more likely to ensure the very best possible finish and get the job done fast.
  • Sealing granite countertops is important work, and if you do not seal them properly or clean them properly, you can damage the stone. This includes discoloring it or creating areas of uneven surface spots.
  • Sometimes oversealing it is a problem too. There are problems with placing sealant on granite countertops too frequently, as it can lead to further damage and may make your surfaces look discolored.
  • We can handle repairs when needed. If there is a need for repairs to the granite surface or stain removal, our professionals know how to get the job done.
  • It adds value to your countertops for years to come. If you plan to sell your home, being able to say they were professionally sealed means you are likely to have added value to your home that you are not likely to get from sealing countertops yourself.

Our tips for sealing granite countertops make it clear that you “can” do it yourself, but there are plenty of reasons why you should let our professionals do the work for you instead. At First Coast Home Pros, we know how to ensure your countertops look their best and that they continue to age well, adding beauty and functionality to your home for years to come. Let us tackle this job for you so that you can focus on keeping your home looking its best without breaking a sweat to do so, and be sure to read our reviews to learn more.

Schedule an Estimate or a Service Call for Cleaning and Sealing Granite Countertops Now

First Coast Home Pros offers comprehensive granite sealing and cleaning services. Reach out to our team today to set up a consultation for more information or to schedule the service you need. We are happy to offer fast, reliable service and outstanding results every time you give us a call for any home cleaning and repair service.